MaticPunks - Punks on Matic (Polygon) Blockchain

Own one of
10,000 unique
Matic Punks

MaticPunks are NFTs on the Polygon(Matic) blockchain. Each of these 10,000 MaticPunks has attributes that make them unique according to a defined rarity system.

TOTAL SUPPLY: 10,000 Punks.

You can continue trading on NFT Marketplaces

What makes MaticPunks so special ?

In the interest of fairness and to give everyone the chance to own one (or more) MaticPunks, the purchase is made on a random basis.

The identity of the MaticPunks will remain a mystery until your purchase is completed. No first come, first serve, everyone can have a chance to get a MaticPunks Zombie or a MaticPunks Ape.

The MaticPunks obtained are visible on our interface and will be exchangeable on our social networks or on our marketplace. You can get as many MaticPunks as you want but once the 10,000 are sold it will be too late to get one at mint cost.

Contact Matic Punks TEAM

We'd love to hear from you!

Drop us a line at,
or alternatively reach out to us on Twitter @PunksOnMatic
Or alternatively, join our Telegram.

MaticPunks is in no way affiliated with Larva Labs and/or CryptoPunks